PrintCarrot topping made with candied carrots is the solution to your carrot cake and muffin decorations. Learn how you can turn vegetables into delicious candy.
Wash raw carrots with a brush in cold running water. Cut the carrot tops (aka carrot greens) and peel the carrots with a vegetable peeler. Cut them into thin strips with a knife or shred them with a julienne peeler or mandolin.
Pour about 33.8 fl. oz. or 1 liter of water in a saucepan, add carrots and bring to a boil to soften the vegetables. Transfer carrots with a slotted spoon to the colander and drain.
In a saucepan, pour water (1/3 cup + 1 1/2 tablespoons or 100 g), add sugar, and bring over medium-high heat. Once it boils, lower the heat to medium and add carrots and cook for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and let it soak in the pot for 5 minutes. Drain carrots with the colander.
Heat oven to 175 degrees F/ 80 degrees C. Distribute the carrots into a single layer on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Let them dry in the oven for about 1.5 to 2 hours. Open the oven door a little to let the steam out. If the time permits, you can also let the carrots dry out overnight at room temperature. Let the shredded candied carrots cool down. Then, separate them from the baking paper and roll them in icing (powdered) sugar.
Find it online: https://www.bakinglikeachef.com/carrot-topping-candied-carrots/