Whether you make a classic jelly roll cake, Swiss roll, cake roll, roulade, cream roll, or Christmas Yule log, learn how to line a Swiss roll tin.
What is a Swiss roll tin?
A Swiss roll tin is a shallow tin created to bake a rectangular sponge or chiffon cake that is rolled up to make a Swiss roll cake. This type of pan is also known as a Swiss roll baking tin, jelly roll pan, or roulade baking pan.
It has straight sides with square corners and is made from various materials, most commonly aluminum or aluminized steel.
Top-quality pan has no extra metals, chemical additives, dyes, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), or perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA).
How big is a Swiss roll tin?
Swiss roll tin is usually about 15 x 10 inches, about 1 inch in depth or less. It falls in size between the larger 18 x 13" half-sheet pan and the slightly smaller 13 x 9" quarter sheet.
However, it is worth noting that different brands may have their own unique sizes for Swiss roll pans. Take, for instance, the Pyrex Swiss roll tin, which measures about 12 ½ x 9 ½ inches (32 x 24 cm).
If you enjoy making roll cakes, consider getting a jelly roll pan for hassle-free preparation of a Vanilla Swiss roll or Japanese roll cake.
But don't worry if it is not available at your local store: use this simple cake pan converter to adjust the ingredient measurements for a different baking pan option.
How to line a Swiss roll tin
To line a Swiss roll pan, you will need a jelly roll pan, parchment paper, and scissors. Choose a sturdy, non-stick baking paper to give your cake a smooth and wrinkle-free base once baked.
When it comes to greasing the pan for your cake, most video tutorials recommend using cooking spray or softened butter. The choice is yours.
Both methods are effective, but if you decide to grease the pan, be aware that thin parchment may wrinkle when it comes into contact with the cake batter in the oven. This could potentially leave wrinkle traces on the bottom of your cake.
Please be aware that it is also necessary to line a non-stick Swiss roll pan.
Lining a Swiss roll tin includes a few steps:
1. Cut a sheet of parchment paper about 3 inches (8 cm) larger than the bottom of the tin (photo 1).
2. To ensure a perfect fit, place the paper inside the tin and neatly fold all four sides according to the pan size (photo 2).

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3. Take the paper out of the tin and lay it on a work surface. With scissors, make cuts from each corner of the paper towards the center, stopping just at the point where the two paper folds join (photo 3).
4. Grease the tin, if desired, to ensure the baking paper adheres to the base of the pan.
5. Press the paper firmly to the bottom and sides of the tin. Arrange the cut corners neatly (photo 4). Double-check that the non-stick side of the paper is facing upward.


The properly lined Swiss roll pan should be lined with parchment paper extending at least 1 inch (2.5 cm) beyond the edges. This will make it easy to remove the cake once it is done.

For perfect results, every time you bake roll cakes, invest in a light-colored Swiss roll tin or a jelly roll pan.
Also, read about 21 secrets on how to make a cake roll without cracking it.
And if you ever need to adjust the ingredient measurements for a different baking pan on your hand, use this simple cake pan converter.
A jelly roll pan and a Swiss roll tin are designed to make classic Jelly rolls, Swiss rolls, cake rolls, roulade, cream rolls, or Christmas Yule logs.
You can substitute any rimmed baking tray for a Swiss roll tin. A cookie sheet or a half- and quarter-sheet pan will also work.
To make a Swiss roll, choose a light-colored Swiss roll tin that reflects heat rather than a dark pan that absorbs it and causes the cake to brown.
You can substitute any rimmed baking tray with parchment paper for a Swiss roll tin. However, you must modify the ingredient measurements for the available baking tray and adjust the baking time accordingly.
A jelly roll pan is made explicitly for baking jelly rolls and has a rim around all the sides, while a cookie sheet usually only has one rim and is perfect for baking cookies.
Swiss roll tin is primarily used for baking a Swiss roll cake (aka, Jelly roll, cake roll, roulade, cream roll), brownies, blondies, and slab pies.
The jelly roll pan, with dimensions of 10 x 15 inches, is a compact variation of the larger rimmed baking sheet (13 x 18 inches). Lining a baking tray is identical to lining a Swiss roll tin.
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